How to login factory menu service mode viewsonic lcd monitor? here are step by step to login factory menu service mode viewsonic lcd monitor :
Press and hold the "2" button, power on the lcd monitor. The LED light will show yellow color, then press "1" button to open the menu. Inside the osd menu, you can see "F" or "Factory Menu" charactor show on bottom. Now, try to move selection to this charactor and press "2", then you can login to factory service mode.
step by step to enter factory menu service mode viewsonic monitor lcd with image ilustration :
1. Before on lcd monitor, press and hold the "2" button then on the lcd monitor power
2.After on lcd monitor, press "1" to open the osd menu
3.Now, you can see bottom of the menu extra more one selection for "Factory Menu".
4.Press the "2" button, you can login to the factory service mode.
5.The information of Viewsonic LCD Monitor factory service mode.
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Press and hold the "2" button, power on the lcd monitor. The LED light will show yellow color, then press "1" button to open the menu. Inside the osd menu, you can see "F" or "Factory Menu" charactor show on bottom. Now, try to move selection to this charactor and press "2", then you can login to factory service mode.
step by step to enter factory menu service mode viewsonic monitor lcd with image ilustration :
1. Before on lcd monitor, press and hold the "2" button then on the lcd monitor power
2.After on lcd monitor, press "1" to open the osd menu
3.Now, you can see bottom of the menu extra more one selection for "Factory Menu".
4.Press the "2" button, you can login to the factory service mode.
5.The information of Viewsonic LCD Monitor factory service mode.
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